Managing a Successful User Acceptance Test

Sara Jones, SAIC

It's just days before you plan to go live with the new system. The User Acceptance Test (UAT) is the only thing that stands in the way. Will it be successful? Will the users devote the time they committed to so long ago to perform the tests? Will there be agreement among the users about whether the system is "acceptable" to them?-"It doesn't do what I want" vs. "It meets the specifications." Sara Jones describes strategies that empower test teams and users to plan and execute an efficient UAT. She describes techniques she uses to secure and maintain a time commitment from users, ensure the users are ready for UAT, manage scope creep during UAT planning, and process feedback from the users. Learn how to present the UAT results in a complete and understandable format to quickly enable the correct "Go" or "No Go" decision.

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