Mobile App Development: It's Harder Than You Think

Julian Harty, ebay, Inc.

You're thinking of creating a mobile application to take advantage of the sky-rocketing potential of mobile phones and other smart devices. Serious and critical choices must be made. Which platforms and technologies do you support? Are web-based applications the best approach? What sort of testing will you need-from whom, when, and how much will it cost? Do you want to create applications that take advantage of the mobile platforms’ capabilities such as location-aware features? Since there are at least fifteen major platforms, including several that use disparate semi-proprietary programming languages, making the right decisions early is critical. Wrong decisions will result in wasted time, effort, and money and increase the likelihood of failure. Julian Harty, who's had practical experiences developing and testing multiple mobile applications on a mix of platforms since 2006, answers these questions, and more, on developing mobile applications. The material is based on a fun e-book he contributed to: Don't Panic-Mobile Developer's Guide to the Galaxy.

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