Moneyball and the Science of Building Great Testing Teams

Peter Varhol, Seapine Software Inc

Moneyball is an analytical, metrics-based approach to assembling a competitive baseball team. It is based on breaking down accepted preconceptions and finding new ways to look at individual skills and how they mesh as a team. Sometimes the characteristics that we believe the team needs aren’t that important in improving quality. In fact, some accepted practices may have less impact on quality than we might have predicted. Peter Varhol examines how to use data about applications and quality to tell the right story about our state of quality and our success in shipping high quality applications. Looking at some of our preconceptions about testing and individual skills, Peter identifies characteristics for building and running a high-performance testing team. Learn about applying the Moneyball approach to testing and quality, giving your teams the best bang for their buck in evaluating their own capabilities and delivering the highest quality possible.

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