Optimize Your Testing with Virtual Test Lab Automation

Brad Johnson, Borland - The Open ALM Company

The complex nature of software development often requires testing on multiple hardware platforms, operating systems, Web and application servers, and databases. Add to it the many different builds, patches, and regionalized versions that development delivers and you understand the immense challenge faced by test engineers trying to provide adequate test coverage. Adding virtual lab automation to your testing process can help your organization overcome these challenges and may dramatically improve the way you test--at a fraction of the cost of traditional multi-system approaches. Brad Johnson explores ways to seamlessly integrate virtual environments into the software testing process and explains how virtual test labs enable a test team to test more efficiently, across a wider range of environments, and with greater coverage of critical requirements. Join Brad to see if virtual test lab automation can improve software quality across your organization.

  • Leverage virtualization technologies to create a more efficient test environment
  • Seamlessly integrate virtual environments into testing
  • Test across a wider range of environments for increased coverage

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