Performance Testing the SMART Way

Mieke Gevers, AQIS

Although testers know the ins and outs of functional testing, many of us don't have a smart process for doing software performance testing. To improve her personal performance testing skills, Mieke Gevers looked at processes from other disciplines-automobile manufacturing, medical rehabilitation, and project management. It was here she found SMART, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Learn how Mieke’s organization used SMART to deal with chaotic performance testing situations-lack of clear requirements, discrepancies between business objectives and reality, running out of time, and changes in technology. In Mieke's organization, SMART has helped them save time, react quickly to production requests for developing and running tests, develop reproducible performance tests, and create better test results documentation. Take back new knowledge of how to use the SMART objectives to become a smarter tester and improve your performance testing.

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