Product Delivery Powered by Continuous Integration: A Case Study

Amit Mishra

Are you a developer who wants to easily manage and customize continuous integration and delivery? Do you work in a team environment where everyone collaborates and depends on CI for automation and delivery of clean code to production? In this session, Amit Mishra will share a case study of how Credit Karma evolved from a single, standalone CI instance to a self-service, Dockerized CI infrastructure combined with bots, webhooks, and GitHub APIs. He will cover GitHub's features and powerful APIs that were most valuable in this process, and how using GitHub freed up time previously spent on maintaining the underlying infrastructure. Credit Karma’s development teams are now empowered to spin up their own CI instances and add custom checks as part of their CI process to ensure quality code. This allows teams to focus simply on developing and delivering services. You will take away an understanding of how to build an effective, scalable CI pipeline leveraging GitHub APIs to deliver your services into production.

About the Presenter

Amit Mishra is a senior build and release engineer at Credit Karma on the platform integration team. He’s passionate about making developers’ lives easier by implementing continuous integration tools. Amit specializes in setting up scalable CI solutions from scratch using the latest technologies, like Docker, Terraform, and AWS, along with powerful alerting and monitoring tools. Amit’s background is in build and release management, and he speaks frequently on DevOps and CI. Amit holds a bachelor’s in computer science and engineering.

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