Product Owner Anti-Patterns

Monica Yap, SolutionsIQ

Do you want a successful product delivery-one that has cost-effective and prioritized product features, that has support from the organization, and acceptance from key stakeholders? If so, you need an effective and available product owner (PO) on your Scrum projects. While good POs work with the team to foster high productivity and quality, a bad PO can destroy the project. Bad POs manifest ineffective or counter-productive practices known as anti-patterns. Monica Yap reveals a set of common PO anti-patterns, discusses how to recognize them by their smells, explores the negative impacts they cause, and identifies ways to address them quickly. Monica shares these unfortunately all too common anti-patterns-The Absent Product Owner, Copy The Last One, The Churning Backlog, The Waffling Definition of "Done", No Single Product Owner, and Not Enough Stakeholders. Learn the necessary people and organizational changes you'll need to make in order to resolve these issues.

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