Progressive Performance Testing: Adapting to Changing Conditions
An inflexible approach to performance testing is a prelude to disaster. "What you see at the start isn't always what you get in the end," says Jeff Jewell. Based on his experience performance testing applications on numerous consulting projects, Jeff demonstrates the challenges you may face testing your applications and how to overcome these obstacles. Examples from performance testing on these projects will demonstrate some of the ways that changing conditions of the projects and the information they discovered in early tests caused the testing approach to change dramatically. Find out how hardware configuration, hardware performance, script variations, bandwidth, monitoring, and randomness can all affect the measurement of performance. Learn to use the data from early tests to guide the rest of the performance testing effort and take back new insights in what to look for to make your tests accurately predict production performance.
- Real-world examples of e-commerce and online banking performance tests
- Performance testing challenges presented by test environments
- Using early performance tests to guide the way
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