QA Practice in High Maturity Organizations

Steve Thompson, BAE Systems

If your organization aspires to higher maturity, such as CMMI® Level 4 or 5, your Quality Assurances process capability must measure up. As process action team leader, group process assessor, and trainer, Steven Thompson has developed, deployed, and maintained systems for quantitatively managing and continuously improving QA activities in his organization. These systems were formally assessed as satisfying CMMI® Capability Level 5 for the Process and Product Quality Assurance process area, and his organization has been formally assessed at CMM®/CMMI® Level 5 Maturity. Join Steven as he describes his journey growing a QA process capability to Level 5 in a Level 5 company. Learn about their quality management system, encompassing planning and reporting, and find out more about their QA Quantitative Management Model and QA Continuous Improvement Model.

  • Mechanisms to quantitatively manage and improve QA
  • The scope of a robust quality management system
  • Sample quantitative management and continuous process improvement action plans

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