Quantifying the Value of Your Testing to Management

Arya Barirani, Mercury

Congratulations, you're a true testing expert. You know all there is to know about test planning, design, execution and reporting, performance tests, usability tests, regression tests, agile, SCRUM, and all the rest. But it’s still
possible that your IT executives and business stakeholders do not fully understand the value of your work. It's time to communicate with them in a language they understand: Return on Investment (ROI). Arya Barirani will show you how to calculate the ROI of common test activities including test
automation, defect reduction, and downtime prevention; how to create reports for maximum effect; and how to evangelize the value of your testing efforts. You will learn how to make better decisions about investments like strategic
sourcing, lab infrastructure, and staffing through better quantification of their business value.

  • Learn how to use ROI as a metric to demonstrate the value of testing
  • Consider reporting techniques for maximum executive buy-in
  • Discover marketing (yes, marketing!) techniques for promoting your testing activities

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