Quantitative and Statistical Management Applications

Edward Weller, Integrated Productivity Solutions, LLC

There is no longer any question that-when appropriately used-quantitative measurement and management of software projects works. As with any tool, the phrase "appropriately used" tells the tale. Drawing on his experiences using quantitative and statistical measurement, Ed Weller provides insights into the key phrase "appropriate use." Ed offers cases of useful-and not so useful-attempts to use the "high maturity" concepts in the Capability Maturity Model Integration® (CMMI®) to illustrate how you can either achieve a high return on your investment in these methods or fail miserably. After an introduction to the theory of statistical measurement, Ed presents examples of the successful use of statistical measures and discusses the traps and pitfalls of their incorrect implementation. Don't be mesmerized by fancy measurements that purport to manage for us; rather, look upon them as tools for us to use appropriately to improve our business. CMMI® is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University.

  • Why use statistical methods for software measurements
  • Requirements and enablers for successful quantitative approaches
  • Tools to implement quantitative and statistical methods

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