RequireMINTS - Fresh Approach to Analyzing Requirements

Dion Johnson, DiJiMax Consulting, Inc.

Studies show that most application defects are introduced before a single line of code is developed-with many (if not most) of these defects attributed to poor requirements. Studies also show that it is less costly to identify and correct these defects prior to code development. Despite this data, many of us have requirements analysis approaches that have become stale and are ineffective. Many analysts acknowledge that their processes need some improvement but feel helpless to do much about the problem. Dion Johnson offers a package of small yet effective "RequireMINTs" that will freshen up those stale requirements processes in a highly practical way. You will take away a road map for collecting metrics that make a case for requirements improvements, identifying necessary improvements, and implementing these improvements.

  • Reverse the reverse-engineering trend with better requirements
  • The Unified Modeling Language (UML) in the requirements process
  • Maintainable, traceable requirements without a management tool

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