Risk-Based Testing from Theory to Practice

Susan Herrick, EDS - Global Testing Organization

With mounting pressure to deliver high-quality applications at breakneck speed, the need for risk-based testing has increased dramatically. In fact, now practically everyone involved in testing claims to be doing risk-based testing. But are you really? Drawing on real-life examples,
Susan Herrick guides you through a six-step, risk-based testing approach: ambiguity analysis to reduce the risk of misunderstood requirements; risk analysis to determine testing scope and develop the "right" testing strategy; systematic test design to support development and execution of the "right" tests; requirements traceability to measure and manage test coverage; test metrics collection and
reporting to provide information that supports corrective action; and testing closedown to communicate any remaining quality risks and support effective decision-making regarding application readiness. Susan also describes where the risk-based testing process fits into the project life cycle, regardless of the development methodology selected for the project.

  • A definition of risk-based testing
  • A proven six-step process for risk-based testing
  • How to introduce this risk-based testing approach into your organization

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