Selling Agile: Getting Buy-in from Your Team, Customers, and Managers

Michele Sliger, Sliger Consulting, Inc.

Are you excited by the potential of agile software development, but find that your colleagues are a bit reticent? Is your whole team ready to dive in, but your business partner is only interested in dipping in their big toe-if that? Or maybe you're wishing you could find a way to convince your clients that there's a better way to contract for a software development job-without having to do a full-blown detailed design upfront? Michele Sliger discusses all of these questions surrounding how to best "sell" agile in your organization. Michele focuses on the general idea of a "sales pitch", including what to say and what not to say. Then she discusses selling agile to the team, to management, to the customer, and to others in your organization. She wraps up with a pointed look at not selling, and instead focusing on finding other ways to promote and share agile.

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