Serious Games: Product Planning and Prioritization Using Innovation Games

Cory Foy, Cory Foy, LLC

Perhaps the most vital aspect of building great software is finding the 20 percent of features that represent the 80 percent of functionality your customers really need. The planning and prioritization of these features can truly set a team-and a company-apart from their competitors. Cory Foy presents approaches from Innovation Games® designed around feature discovery and product prioritization. Try your hand at prioritization using the Prune the Product Tree game. Have the opportunity to influence the future direction of a product by aligning existing and new features along branches (functional areas) and canopies (time). During the game, you'll gain insights into the prioritization process and uncover the vital role of the observer for capturing unspoken conversations. See how new market segments appear during the game and learn how to use additional games to filter the results during post-processing.

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