Simple and Informative Performance Tests You Can Do Now

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.

When most people think of performance testing, they think about the hard-or the very, very hard-parts, those expensive and complicated tools that simulate the activity of thousands of end-users while collecting tens or hundreds of thousands of measurements. Scott Barber tells those looking to start performance testing to start with easy and mid-level tests. While it is true that accurately simulating high-activity production usage is difficult and expensive, you can detect and diagnose many performance issues with the tools and knowledge you have at your disposal right now. In fact, much of the performance information needed by stakeholders to make good decisions and by developers to dramatically improve performance is easily obtained by performance-testing novices. Scott Barber introduces you to simple and informative performance test techniques-many of which can be accomplished in thirty seconds or less-that you can use to speed up and simplify collecting valuable performance-related information.

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