Software Craftsmanship: It's an Imperative

Fadi Stephan, Excella Consulting

Sadly, ten years into the evolution of agile practices, many teams fail to learn and implement the software development practices that are necessary for long-term code quality and agility. Software craftsmen believe that without these technical practices the quality of software goes downhill and teams can’t sustain high levels of productivity. Fadi Stephan introduces software craftsmanship, reviews its history, and explores the driving forces that led practitioners to create this movement. Fadi describes the software craftsman’s ethics, disciplines, principles, and practices as he explores the latest arguments between advocates and opponents of software craftsmanship. Learn about the value statements in the software craftsmanship manifesto and their relationship to the current state of software development. Discover new tools and forums available to developers for practicing and mastering their craft. Leave with new insights on how you can become a better developer-a software craftsman-and help reverse the downhill trend in agile software development.

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