STARWEST 2009: Testing AJAX Applications

Frank Cohen, PushToTest

Because Web application development using AJAX, REST, and service-oriented architectures is expanding at a breakneck pace, testers must learn to develop unit tests, functional tests, and load tests for these environments. At the same time, even though IT budgets are tighter than ever before, testing cannot be compromised. But there is some good news-open-source test tools can offer a strong alternative to traditional, commercial testing tools. Frank Cohen demonstrates how to navigate the new possibilities offered by open source. He shows how to apply a proven methodology to find and solve scalability, performance, and reliability issues in AJAX applications. Learn how to construct a functional unit test for a business flow, identify ways to create operational test data at run time, validate test responses, and automate the entire test. Frank shows how to apply this methodology using Selenium, TestMaker, Glassbox, soapUI, HTMLUnit, Windmill, and other open-source test automation tools.

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