Static Analysis and Secure Code Reviews
Security threats are becoming increasingly more dangerous to consumers and to your organization. Paco Hope provides the latest on static analysis techniques for finding vulnerabilities and the tools you need for performing white-box secure code reviews. He provides guidance on selecting and using source code static analysis and navigation tools. Learn why secure code reviews are imperative and how to implement a secure code review process in terms of tasks, tools, and artifacts. In addition to describing the steps in the static analysis process, Paco explains methods for examining threat boundaries, error handling, and other "hot spots" in software. Find out about the analysis techniques of Attack Resistance Analysis, Ambiguity Analysis, and Underlying Framework Analysis as ways to expose risk and prioritize remediation of insecure code.
- Why secure code reviews are the right approach for finding security defects
- How to prioritize critical software components for a deep security analysis
- Techniques for source code analysis on high-risk components
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