Stop the Test Automation ROI-based Justification Insanity
In the past, we justified our automation efforts with ROI calculations based on saved test execution time. Unfortunately, those “savings” frequently led to eliminating testers from the organization. Management applauded the “do more with less” reality that these ROI savings promised. Seasoned and slightly askew test leader Bob Galen challenges these traditional views toward automation ROI-based savings. Explore better value drivers for automation that include increasing your competitive position, increasing the capacity and skill of your test organization, allowing for late-binding changes for development that provide a delivery “safety net,” and increasing the overall quality of your risk-based testing strategies. Bob explains why cost savings is a low-level, trivial pursuit and discusses why focusing on increased investment in your team and your testing should be the prime directive for your automation initiatives. Also learn how to communicate this strategy change to your executives and how to align it with your business goals and objectives.
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