Stop Writing Test Cases! It's All About Models and Exploration

Brett Leonard, Construction Software Technologies (

With rapid application development environments and sometimes daily product releases, test cases can be an unnecessary burden on testers. Test cases are expensive to write, often fail to adequately describe interrelationships, and are ineffective for whole-team collaboration. Brett Leonard explains how you can employ software models to replace test cases as your main vehicle for test design, execution, and reporting. Using real-life examples from testing a business-to-business networking application, Brett explains two types of models to accelerate your test efforts: the simple Straight-Line Model approach and the more robust Uniform Customer Modeling language. By planning and executing tests from models, you will quickly gain an understanding of the software under test and have a new tool for collaborating with developers and all project stakeholders. Models of the software, coupled with exploratory testing practices, are a powerful combination for rapidly testing complex applications. Free yourself from ever writing another test case!

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