A Strategic Approach - "Beta the Business"

Pete Conway, EMC Corporation

Beta testing is an industry standard practice to obtain user feedback prior to general availability of software. Have you ever considered that the Beta release can be used to validate the software's value to customers and application users? Extending the Beta concept will result in higher customer satisfaction (and higher revenue for commercial products). Also, you can employ Beta testing to evaluate not only the software product, but the distribution (and sales) process, training, customer support, and usage within your customers' environments. Far beyond just finding defects in the product, you can focus Beta testing on how well the software is meeting your customers' needs. What does that mean to the Development team and the organization as a whole? What are the risks and challenges that we face? What are the rewards? Peter Conway, Vice President at EMC Open Software, shares their journey and current strategic approaches to Beta the Business. Find out if you can improve your software's customer satisfaction ratings and increase its value to your customers at the same time.

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