Sustaining an Agile Culture

Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc.

In Scrum, the product owner manages the product backlog-seems simple enough. But what principles are required to make seemingly straightforward agile practices really work? Mitch Lacey suggests courage, trust, commitment, and simplicity are those principles. Courage: Do I have the courage to say no to this stakeholder for the overall benefit of the product? Trust: Can I trust the team to sustain their velocity? Commitment: Are all team members working everyday to improve? Simplicity: Are we doing only the things that bring value to the product? These are real-life questions that agile team members face daily. It's not enough to just say you're agile because you work in iterations. Truly being agile weaves these principles into the fabric of our projects. Join Mitch to learn how he has applied these principles in his projects and the failures that have occurred when the principles were misaligned or absent all together. True agility emerges only when principles and practices align; learn how to build and maintain that alignment.

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