Taking Your Testing Team Global

Jane Fraser, Electronic Arts

With pressure to downsize local teams in favor of offshore or outsourced testing, you may be faced with taking your team global. Jane Fraser discusses the good, the bad, and the ugly of having to outsource or offshore testing. She talks about the pitfalls of hiring across cultures, such as when “Yes” means “We don't understand, but we'll try.” Jane shares ways to maintain your team processes and standards with a distributed team. She examines the issues and benefits of insourcing and outsourcing-and the difference between the two. Using her experience setting up insourced offices in China and India, and outsourced offices in Argentina, Vietnam, India, and China, Jane shares her transition plan to move 70% of her main development studio to five countries around the world. Whether you decide to offshore testing or it's decided for you, join Jane to discover how to successfully transfer some or all of your testing to a remote team.

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