Test Estimation: Simple Models and Practical Lessons


As software testers, we are regularly asked how long it will take to test a system. Unfortunately, we rarely have the tools to produce an accurate estimate. Tonnvane Wiswell introduces methods for producing better estimates-best guess, experienced person's best guess, and ways to use past data as a baseline--and the advantages and disadvantages of each. She discusses adaptable formulas that incorporate "buffer time" and risk factors. Finally, Tonnvane presents a real life example of a testing project with solid time estimates, including an explanation of how team size was determined, how the work flow was designed, what the "actual hours" of testing were, what unexpected items affected the testing time, and how the project permanently changed the company's "test estimation formula."

  • Two simple estimations methods when you don't have historical data
  • How to improve test estimation in your organization
  • Test estimation examples from the real world

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