Testing at 43,000 Feet: Reporting Risk That Matters
Testing dashboards can give stakeholders the false impression that projects are under control. But are they really? As a tester, you can see a counter indicating a high percentage of passing tests but know that you may still have critical failures in the product. Alexandre Bauduin will share his experience with test reporting, which goes beyond tallying bugs, counting test cases, and computing a variety of coverage measures. Alexandre will demonstrate how teams can report meaningfully on whether we are testing the right thing well. He will share different reporting strategies in which stakeholders are provided an indication of risks that matter and their impact on business. You will take away several strategies about how to report and advocate for risks and indicate progress on important, impactful aspects of the project. Learn how to take test reporting from doom-and-gloom defect lists and bug reports into the realm of critical management guidance, showing stakeholders how they can rebalance efforts and expend resources to successfully advance the project.
[video:https://youtu.be/fNQfhrimUro width:300 height:200 align:right]
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