Testing Outside of the Box

Jon Bach

The cognitive skills of testing are being threatened by two major forces: the assumption that automation can replace all other forms of testing, and the acceptance of lower quality by consumers. You might be feeling like you’re living on an eroding island, but there is a way to adapt and even thrive using your testing skills. Your project still needs to have someone who will question assumptions, examine design, create experiments, analyze data, and report meaningful metrics. It needs your social skill to connect teams who work in silos, bring customer insights to light, and track risks that no one seems to make time to think about. For twenty-two years, Jon was a tester, test manager, test trainer, and test consultant. Now he’s a senior program manager and uses his testing skills differently. What’s your experience? Jon will ask you a few questions via an anonymous polling app and show the results during the session. He also will share his new perspective on the testing profession and provide some insights for you to consider about growing your skills and following paths to exciting opportunities.

About the Presenter

Jon Bach is a senior program manager at eBay, leading planning and operations for its risk management team. He has more than two decades of software quality project experience as a tester, test manager, test consultant, and test director, which he now uses to help eBay fight fraudsters. He has an energetic and practical style, and he is known to many eBay customers as “Jon the Bug Hunter.” Jon can be reached at [email protected].

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