Testing the System's Architecture

Peter Zimmerer, Siemens AG

The architecture is a key foundation for developing and maintaining flexible, powerful, and sustainable products and systems. Experience has shown that deficiencies in the architecture cause too many project failures. Who is responsible for adequately validating that the architecture meets the objectives for a system? And how does architecture testing differ from unit testing and component testing? Even in the ISTQB glossary, architecture testing is not defined. Peter Zimmerer describes what architecture testing is all about and shares a list of practices to implement this type of testing within test and development organizations. Peter offers practical advice on the required tasks and activities as well as the roles, contributions, and responsibilities of software architects and others in the organization. Learn what architecture testing really means and how to establish and lead it in your projects. Early architecture testing not only results in better quality systems but also accelerates development and decreases long-term maintenance efforts.

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