Thread-based Exploratory Testing

Jon Bach, eBay Inc

Although most of us begin our day with a prioritized plan–our To Do list–almost instantly we are plagued by distractions and interruptions. When your exploratory testing work faces the same challenges, thread-based test management (TBTM) is just what the doctor ordered. TBTM is non-committal and not time boxed–embracing start-stop interruptions and even longer delays in your testing. Jon Bach explains and demonstrates TBTM in which the unit of work is a thread–a flow of activities to solve a specific problem. Using the TBTM approach, you'll give your testing attention to the thread that provides the most immediate value. Jon shares his daily To Do list and the Thread Board he uses to help surf through those uncontrollable interruptions. Rather than focusing on completing test documents, he focuses on completing threads, one at a time. Learn how TBTM can help you Identify testing's natural threads that will organize your work and get the most important things done–despite the daily chaos.

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