Transform Your Lifecycle-Virtualize the Test Lab

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, Inc.

Every tester has heard "it works on my machine" from a developer, referring to a defect deemed to be non-reproducible. We all know the back-and-forth conversations and have yearned for ways to easily replicate test environment failures in the development environment. Test organizations often struggle with access to test environments that closely match production while the operations department struggles to keep up with the demand for provisioned environments. Virtual lab technology can solve these frequent, tedious, and expensive problems, delivering immediate productivity and return-on-investment. By shattering barriers between development, testing, and operations, virtual lab technology is transformational and promises to be the hub of the modern application lifecycle. Theresa Lanowitz shares the results of the "voke Market Snapshot" report on virtual lab management. This groundbreaking research is relevant, current, and something all testers and test managers need to know. Learn how to leverage virtual labs in your test organization while eliminating the age old developer-tester contention that "it works on my machine."

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