Using Agile Techniques to Manage Testing - Even on Non-agile Projects

Brian Osman, OsmanIT

Sometimes, test managers and teams can get bogged down in rigid processes, excessive documentation, and simply too much data, resulting in less actual testing getting done. The good news is that there is a better way! Brian Osman describes how he applies agile and lean practices within his test team, even on non-agile projects. Brian shares his experiences with low-tech, high-value techniques such as big visible charts to track and share information. He was able to cut down on long meetings and eliminate complex status reports while still helping his team stay focused and on track. They improved visibility and communications with management, development, and business stakeholders while reducing interruptions. Brian explains how his new approach positively influenced other projects around them and how it helped everyone stay on task. Learn ways your test team can “go agile”-even if the rest of the project has not.

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