Using Production Failures to Jump Start Peformance Test Plans

Sandra Bourgeois, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

Learning from a production system failure is not a model MassMutual Financial Group would have chosen. However, when one of their key applications failed under load in production, they turned on a dime and changed their performance testing approach, focus, and capabilities. Let’s set the scene: They ran large numbers of transactions through a performance test tool and, then, went live with a new application that was to be used by all their key users. Within hours, the application had ground to a virtual halt under normal production load. What went wrong? Join Sandra Bourgeois to find out not only what went wrong but also what they learned from failure and how they set about to improve their knowledge, skills, and tools. This is your chance to learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them in your organization.

  • Lessons learned from the performance failure of a mission-critical application
  • DITL (Day In The Life) performance test and why you need one
  • Component and integrated performance tests of complex architectures

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