Using Test Oracles in Automation

Douglas Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC

Software test automation is often a difficult and complex process. The most familiar aspects of test automation are organizing and running of test cases and capturing and verifying test results. A set of expected results are needed for each test case in order to check the test results. Verification of these expected results is often done using a mechanism called a test oracle. This talk describes the use of oracles in automated software verification and validation. Several relevant characteristics of oracles are included with the advantages, disadvantages, and implications for test automation.

  • Learn why evaluation of automated test results are not easy
  • Use test oracles as critical factors in making useful automated tests
  • Learn useful models for automated tests and test oracles
  • Learn five strategies for automated test oracles
  • See examples where different oracles have been used
  • Discover several automated test result evaluation methods

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