The Value of Value Story Cards

Jared Richardson, Logos Technologies

Many agile team members never reach their potential because they have no way to link their company's values with their day-to-day development work. The use of value story cards (VSCs), which provide executive management a tool to set high-level direction and tie it to the team's activities, is one step toward solving that problem. Jared Richardson describes VSCs, how to use them within your team, and how they can become a transformational tool. By defining three to five VSCs-such as "Move into this market space" or "Lower customer-reported bugs"-executives set the company direction. Then, relating VSCs to user stories allows the team to answer questions such as: "Why are we doing this activity?" and "How does it help us support a value important to the organization?" Join Jared and your peers to learn about and practice this powerful tool for helping your project team make more informed decisions about their priorities and work products. Start on the path to becoming a rock-solid, value-generating agile development team.

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