Verification Points for Better Testing Efficiency

Dani Almog, Amdocs Inc

More then one-third of all testing time is spent verifying test results-determining if the actual result matches the expected result within some pre-determined tolerance. Sometimes actual test results are simple-a value displayed on a screen. Other results are more complex-a database that has been properly updated, a state change within the application, or an electrical signal sent to an external device. Dani Almog suggests a different approach to results verification: separating the design of verification from the design of the tests. His test cases include "verification points," with each point associated with one or more verification methods, which can later be used on different test cases and occasions. Some of the verification methods are very simple numerical or textual comparison; others are complex; such as photo comparison. Dani describes a large test automation project in which he used verification points and reports his success in terms of reduced cost and time-and increased accuracy.

  • The benefits of verification points to test efficiency and accuracy
  • Techniques for designing verification points
  • Evaluate the use of verification points within your testing

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