Why "Why...?" Can Be the Most Important Question for QA to Ask

Jane Jeffers

To test a product, there are so many questions to ask, and so little time in which to ask them. More often than not, we get caught up in the who, what, when, and how, but Jane Jeffers from Riot Games explains that “why…?” questions can be the most important ones to ask when it comes to QA work. When missing the whys, we can wind up only focusing on specific details like who needs to do the work or when our deadlines are, and subsequently lose the bigger picture of why a project matters, and why we do what we do. Learn some of the key ways that you can ask why for product, for process, and for people, and how the answers you get will help you with everything from how to devise your overall test strategy to how you communicate with your teammates to get them thinking about quality.


[video:https://youtu.be/Bm_rtOmpIqg width:300 height:200 align:right]

About the Presenter

A QA architect on League of Legends at Riot Games, Jane Jeffers has more than seven years in the games industry. Before moving into the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), she worked on multi-platform AAA RTS titles such as the Battle for Middle Earth II and Command & Conquer 3. As a content specialist on League of Legends, Jane has built much of the QA process around features that allow players to personalize their experience, fusing her previous black box testing background with a qualitative approach in the agile arena.

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