Working with Globally Distributed Agile Teams

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives

Miscommunications, misunderstandings, and interpersonal conflicts often thrive in the typical distributed team. Distributed agile teams, especially globally distributed teams, are more likely to face these issues than those employing traditional development methods. Global agile teams are not only geographically dispersed, but they're also separated by time zones, language barriers, nationality, and organizational culture. Ken Pugh describes the challenges he’s seen globally distributed agile teams face and shares ways you can anticipate and address these challenges. He discusses the different tokens teams can use in their communication and how to create a common understanding among all team members. Ken emphasizes building trust and developing a sense of “us” among the distributed team members. Find out how to create a communication plan that recognizes the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies and underscores the importance of regular face-to-face meetings. Gain new tools and approaches for tackling the organizational issues surrounding globally distributed agile teams.

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