You've Just Been Named Manager of Software Process Improvement

Sandi Oswalt, First American Credco

We have all heard of the accidental project manager, but how about the accidental irocess improvement manager? If you have fallen into the role of process improvement, there are tips and tricks to help you navigate through sometimes treacherous waters. As a former quality assurance manager, Sandi Oswalt returned from maternity leave to be told she had a new job--process improvement. In response to her question about the goals for process improvement, her boss simply said, "Hmmm? . . . Just improve." Fortunately, things got better from there for Sandi and eventually for the organization. Sandi shares some important insight from her first year: trust is key-sanitize information and ask permission; data speaks volumes-back conjecture up with basic metrics; let people find their own solutions; change is hard and takes time; all the mandates come from management; and finally, don't give up!

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