Zero to Agile in Three+ Years: It's a Marathon

Sean Buck, The Capital Group Companies Inc

Agile transformations for large organizations can have mixed results-and often fail miserably if the goal is to become an "agile organization." Sean Buck shares the story of The Capital Group Companies, a 7,000 person organization, which took a value-based approach to adoption. Rather than attempting a big bang implementation, Sean’s company and its agile transformation team planned for the long "run"-a marathon. Sean explains why organizations which proceed too quickly or take a tools-focused approach usually see their teams slip back to the old ways after initially impressive results. George Schlitz, who participated throughout their transformation, shares specific approaches and tools you should consider for your organization's adoption plans. He describes the staged model they employed for organizational transformation and how their strategies changed during each stage. Take back new strategies for making necessary cultural changes and a valuable tool to identify champions and resisters-and how to deal with both.

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