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Agile and the Seven Deadly Sins of Project Management

Agile approaches to software development promise many advantages: shorter schedules, more productive teams, products that better meet customer expectations, higher quality, and more. In this talk, Mike Cohn explains how agile teams achieve these goals by avoiding the seven deadly sins of project management. Covered will be sins such as gluttony, sloth, lust, opaqueness, and more.

Mike Cohn's picture Mike Cohn
Applying Configuration Management to Agile Teams

A variety of agile software development methods and practices have now been around for a solid ten years and existed for at least another ten years prior. Configuration management (CM) for agile development has now been discussed since the turn of the century. So what are the core principles of CM and how can CM help agile teams?

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
A Christmas Carol: The Software Tester's Version

Grab some hot cocoa, sit back, and watch this software tester's take on A Christmas Carol by the Grove Players.

TechWell Staff
Real-World Math

Math is often not easy to learn, even for those of us who enjoy it. And if you don't use your mathematical knowledge, you just might forget how to use it. Danny Faught likes math and has found ways of using basic math like algebra, the modulo function, expected values, and logarithms in testing. It's kept his mind fresh on mathematical concepts and formulas, and he hopes it will do the same for you. In this week's column, he explains how to use math to improve testing.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
When 'General Agile' Isn't Enough - Why Scrum Wins in the Enterprise

Each week, I find myself using Jenga, Hasbro's wooden building block game, as an analogy for introducing agile into the enterprise. Few topics are more hotly debated throughout the software development community than how to apply the simple values of agile to big business. Many approaches favor knocking down the entire Jenga tower to start from scratch with an entirely new foundation of values and practices. Others opt for the comfort of traditional management processes, with some agile practices — like pair programming and stand-up meetings — sprinkled on top.


TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Does Exploratory Testing Have a Place on Agile Teams?

Exploratory testing—questioning and learning about the product as you design and execute tests rather than slavishly following predefined scripts—makes sense for many projects. But does it make sense for agile projects? In this column, Johanna Rothman examines how exploratory testing might work on an agile project.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Agile IT Experience 2008 Panel Discussion - Agile Marketing, Culture, Jokes

Bob Payne joined the panel discussion at the 2008 Agile IT X Conference, and we invite you to listen to this fun and informative podcast that was recorded at the conference. The panel touches on a lot of topics and has a lot of fun doing so.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Agile2007 - Esther Derby and Diana Larsen - Retrospectives and the CWAC

Bob Payne chats with Esther Derby and Diana Larsen at the Agile 2007 conference.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Agile2007 - Nancy Van Schooenderwoert - Survey of Bugs and Agility

Nancy Van Schooenderwoert joins us again for another fantastic conversation with Bob Payne about coaching agile teams to success, and other agile-based topics. We hope you enjoy our podcasts with Nancy, and all of our entertaining agile experts.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
May I Take Your Temperature?

This column isn't for you; it's about you. Linda Hayes wants to find out what it takes to be successful in the testing profession these days—if such a thing is really possible. Too many good ideas, such as incentive and recognition plans, have backfired. Linda feels there are a few good practices out there, but she needs your help to find them.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes


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