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Feature Injection: Part One

We are leaving the "last responsible moment" for a while. This month we start a discussion of Feature Injection, an analysis process based on real options and Kolb's circle of learning. The first episode ( of five ) introduces the "Information Arrival Processes.

StickyMinds Editorial's picture StickyMinds Editorial
Tips and Advice - Listener Email - Self Organizing Teams

In this podcast, Bob and George respond to a listener-submitted email by providing a better understanding of what truly makes self-organizing teams. We encourage you to listen to this informative discussion to make sure everyone is on the same page with what these teams are truly made of.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Agile in the Downturn

The current economic downturn is a new test for Agile, until now Agile has been promoted in a growing economy. Proponents of Agile have emphasized how it improve competitive advantage and helps a company out-compete its rivals.

Now companies are concerned with simple survival. Today's managers are concerned with cutting costs, improving cashflow and managing without credit. Organizational change and process improvement are not top of the agenda. Promoting Agile in this environment is something new.

Allan Kelly's picture Allan Kelly
Seeding the Agile Product Owner in the Enterprise

In this final installment of a three-part series on product owners in the agile enterprise, Dean Leffingwell provides several case study "vignettes", which illustrate how specific agile enterprises found the right people necessary to fill this role, along with some of the unique challenges they faced and the solutions they applied.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
How Scrum Increases Productivity

Scrum has become the most popular exponent of agile software development frameworks. Organizations-and those developing software, in particular-are drawn to Scrum for many reasons. They include its capacity to mitigate risk, facilitate frequent communication, reduce cycle time and cost, and deliver the right products to customers. From a managerial standpoint, Scrum's most appealing attribute is its ability to boost productivity through autonomous, hyper-performing teams.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Agile Development Infrastructure—on Premises or in the Cloud?

How do companies face the challenge of setting up their infrastructure when they've just started agile development? One option is to move your infrastructure to the cloud. In this article, we help you decide what's the best fit for your team and project by addressing this issue head on.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
The GDM-Agile Paradox: Tips to Tap into the Capabilities of Agile in the Global Delivery Model

Agile is a development strategy that we have worked with for a number of years now. Lately, we've been getting a lot of questions from clients along the lines of: "I've got a project, I want to globally source it, can I use Agile Development?"

Well, that depends.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The three parts of a healthy development cycle Ending Right

Jeff Patton has been building software using the agile approach for a while now. His observations of how others are implementing agile development fall short of complete, but he has noticed is that the adoption breaks down during the evaluation phase. In this column, Jeff goes through the agile development process and offers guidance on the correct way of conducting an agile evaluation during this phase in the software development lifecycle.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
Collaborative Leadership: A Secret to Agile Success

Whether you are a senior manager, product owner, customer, ScrumMaster, or an individual contributor, Pollyanna Pixton's collaborative principles will empower you and everyone on your team to become better leaders and deliver the business value that stakeholders deserve.

Pollyanna Pixton
Tips and Advice - Time Boxes

This podcast features another great Agile Toolkit discussion had by Bob and George as the two delve into the importance of time boxing when dealing with an agile development project. We invite you to join them learn more about this concept.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne


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