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Are You a Good Listener?

Some people freely admit that they're not good listeners. But many who claim to be good listeners aren't. That's because they fall short in a critical aspect of listening. In this week's column, Naomi Karten offers ideas and examples that will help you be-and be perceived as-a good listener.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Tips and Advice - Self Organizing Teams

Bob interviews George Dinwiddie about self-organizing teams.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
the process of producing music Coaching and Producing

David Hussman applies lessons he learned as a music producer to his current position as an agile coach. An excerpt of this article was originally published in the March 2009 issue of the Iterations eNewsletter.

David Hussman's picture David Hussman
What Software Developers Can Learn from Their Cafeteria

Did you know that Starbucks sells a cup size called "short"? It's a small cup that is less expensive than the other cup sizes. They never mention it on their menu; you have to know it exists before you can order one. Why? By having a smaller, cheaper option, they give their budget-conscious customers an opportunity to pay for coffee rather than go without. This kind of thinking has important repercussions to software developers.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
White Paper: Graphical UI Testing Checklist

A GUI as we now know is a computer-interface that uses images, typed text, and icons on the screen that replace many of the functions of the keyboard. This paper explains different validations need to be used while testing GUI.

Atul Waghmare's picture Atul Waghmare
Refactoring Doesn’t Mean Rewrite

Peter Schuh writes that it is not a good thing that the use of the term refactoring has grown so common, which makes him cringe every time he hears a business person say the word. Refactoring is meant to be one skill of many that is second-nature to a journeyman programmer.

Peter Schuh
Quality Management in the World of Scrum and Agile IT System Development

Russell Pannone was asked, "Does quality assurance have a place in agile software development?" His knee-jerk answer was yes, but what form and function quality management takes depends on many factors.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Responsibilities of the Agile Product Owner in the Enterprise

In part two of this three-part article, Dean Leffingwell describes the responsibilities of the enterprise product owner and discusses the attributes of a good product owner.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Group Coherence for Project Teams – Group Creativity

Creative achievement is typically associated with individual effort. Think of Newton, Edison, or Leonardo Da Vinci. Until not very long ago, creativity and design were the focus of a few, while the work of the masses was broken down into repeatable steps. Creativity was perceived to undermine the result of mass-production. Today, the work depends on the design and creative skills of the knowledge workers that perform it

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Enterprise Agile: Yes, Your Whole Company Can Adopt Agile

About 12 months ago, our company started an initiative to adopt agile practices across our entire organization—not only our software development organization, but our business organization. For years we had experienced outstanding results by utilizing Scrum for our clients' application development projects. Team productivity improved, executive visibility strengthened, and overall quality increased. Our goal was to capture similar results for our business. Find out how we're doing!

Melissa Meeker


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