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How Agile Practices Address Five Team Dysfunctions

Teamwork, no matter the intentions at the start of any agile project, can be derailed by even the smallest factors. Learn how to identify the five dysfunctions of a team so that your team can address them and avoid letting them grind your production to a halt.

Tathagat Varma's picture Tathagat Varma
A Journey into Agile - Scrum Implementation at a Mature Organization - Part 2

In November 2007, the organization held a global meeting on software practices. The participants were introduced to the lessons learned and best practices from a few projects in the company that had adopted a form of Agile methodology. With that exposure, the technology center in Houston set a goal to pilot one Scrum project in 2008. This article focuses on the Scrum implementation experience and the influence it has on the technology center's strategy for Scrum adoption. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with Scrum.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

If you're working on more than one project at a time or if your managers are asking you to do so, it's time to make some decisions. Not every project should be started or finished, and certainly no one person or team should work on all projects at the same time. The organization needs to make some decisions about whether to commit to a project, kill it so it doesn't interfere with other projects, or transform it so it can succeed in a reasonable time.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
agile 2008 - Doug Bradbury - Agility, Religion, Beliefs and Practice

Bob interviews Doug Bradbury about 8th Light.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Configuring CruiseControl for Continuous Integration Builds

Michael Sayko introduces CruiseControl, which enables the implementing CI of Java applications. Using CruiseControl's build loop, dashboard, and build resultsJSP, Michael shows how any Java development team can receive added value through this open source tool.

Michael Sayko
Agile 2008 - Jochen Krebs - Agile PMO, Agile Portfolio Managment, Scrum and More

Bob speaks with Jochen Krebs about his portfolio management book and scaling agile.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
A Word with the Wise: Configuration Management Tips from Steve Berczuk

In this short interview with editor Joey McAllister, Steve Berczuk offers some tips to organizations dealing with configuration management (CM) issues.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
Transitioning from Analysis to Design

The step between specifying requirements to working on a system design can be tricky. Fortunately, the basis on which the step is made can be calculated. Paul Reed thoroughly explains how the transition should progress and offers some instructions on how to move properly through this phase.

Paul R. Reed, Jr.'s picture Paul R. Reed, Jr.
Seven Years Later: What the Agile Manifesto Left Out

Brian Marick believes that is partly because the manifesto is focused outwardly; it tells the business how the development team will work with it. Watch Brian’s presentation to find out whether you're really doing agile or if you are agile in name only.

Brian Marick
Little Scrum Pigs and the Big, Bad Wolf

While continuing to grow, the state of agile adoption seems to be plucked straight out of an Ayn Rand novel, where the acceptance of mediocrity has infected the masses like a plague. Half-hearted adoptions have led to half-hearted results (as in "we suck less") that in turn are leaving these organizations straddling a tipping point from which they more often than not slide backwards, rather than making the push over the top to high performance and exponential growth in ROI.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger


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