Interviews and Videos

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Backlit keyboard The Agile Manifesto Principles: Maximizing through Simplicity

Ryan Kenney, senior consultant at Coveros, chats with TechWell Community Manager Owen Gotimer about the Agile Manifesto principle of simplicity: "Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential." Continue the conversation with Ryan and Owen on the TechWell Hub.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Jeremias Rößler Bringing AI into Testing: An Interview with Jeremias Rößler

Jeremias Rößler, founder of ReTest, discusses his company’s open source re-check tool, how customer input was vital to the tool’s development, and shares  insight on growing a start-up. Jeremias also provides resources for learning about AI that can guide you on how to apply AI into your testing strategy.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
John McConda How to Incorporate Agile and Automation in a Regulated Environment: An Interview with John McConda

John McConda, principal consultant at Mozer Consulting, discusses his workshop designed to aid testers who work in a regulated environment to implement agile and automated testing. He talks about how those who work in businesses that are regulated by federal agencies, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and other compliance requirements can still work within those rigid specifications to introduce agile and automated processes.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Becoming Agile Leaders: A Conversation with Bob Galen and Mary Thorn

Bob Galen, principal agile coach at Vaco, and Mary Thorn, Vaco's agile practices lead, chat with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the challenges of growing new leaders, the impact leaders can have on people’s lives, and how vulnerability can help leaders build trust.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Experiences at STAREAST 2019: An Interview with Mike Sowers

Mike Sowers, senior consultant and VP of Training with Coveros, discusses the value of attending the STAREAST conference: networking, couch sessions, and being able to discuss common challenges with colleagues. He details conversations about trying to improve personal core competencies along with our teams and organizations, integrating agile and moving into DevOps, and how testing operates in a continuous context. Mike also talks about upcoming conferences and staying ahead of the technology curve through training and learning opportunities.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Dawn Haynes Job Security in the Age of Automation: An Interview with Dawn Haynes

In this interview, Dawn Haynes, CEO, testing coach, and consultant for PerfTestPlus, discusses the ever-evolving world of AI and machine learning and the impact on the future of testing. Dawn explains why tools and automation will not be able to replace people, so testers don’t need to worry about job security.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
8 Ways to Ruin Your One-on-Ones: An Interview with Jason Wick

In this interview, Jason Wick, senior manager at MakeMusic, discusses his STAREAST presentation about eight ways you could be making your one-on-one meetings completely useless. He discusses in depth what he feels is the number one way to ruin these meetings: holding back on feedback. He also offers advice on how you can educate your team leader to avoid the pitfalls that lead to ineffective one-on-ones.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Melissa Tondi Embracing Tools and Technology in QA: An Interview with Melissa Tondi

In this interview, Melissa Tondi, senior QA strategist at Rainforest, discusses the foundation you need in order to have a positive introduction for new tools and technologies. She explains why the team leader has to understand what motivates each individual and how to get them excited about their job. Melissa says team members also have to realize that if they are in any way involved in testing software, they are a technologist, so they have to embrace the tools and technology that will continuously improve and streamline repetitive tasks.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Adam Satterfield The Who, What, Where, When, and How of Test Strategies: An Interview with Adam Satterfield

In this interview, Adam Satterfield, director of testing and quality at Anthem, discusses the core components that testers need to understand in order to create a test strategy in an agile environment. He also talks about the need to build better communication skills through active listening. And Adam offers advice on sharing the things you have learned through blogging, writing for sites like the TechWell community sites, or becoming a presenter at a conference, as well as the benefits you can gain from that.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Agile Transformation 101: A Conversation with Adam Auerbach

Adam Auerbach, VP of Quality Engineering at EPAM Systems, chats with TechWell Community Manager Owen Gotimer about how an inexperienced team can start its agile transformation, the value of stand-ups and retrospectives, and how to make remote teams feel more connected.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer


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