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PMO 2.0: Rebooting the IT Project Management Office

More companies are adopting project management offices, and with that additional oversight and structure, their impact can often miss the mark. Tony explains that a "kick in the pants" might be necessary for a PMO to get staff buy-in that delivers successful project results.

Tony McClain's picture Tony McClain
How Can I Develop the Ability to Collaborate?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Bob Payne and consultant Ryan Olivett answer one of the questions students ask them most often.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne Ryan Olivett
Achieving a Project's Benefits and Goals: How Change Management Can Help

Studies have shown that leading organizations frequently have less than successful results when incorporating significant changes. Kris presents useful advice dealing with staff, communication, and what to do for the long term after the change takes place.

Kris Irwin's picture Kris Irwin
Usability Testing with "CAN I USE THIS?"

David introduces a unique approach for application usability testing. Each letter of the memorable "CAN I USE THIS?" will assist with test idea generation.

David Greenlees's picture David Greenlees
Moving Beyond the Backlog: The Four Quadrants of Product Ownership

What do you consider the role of product owner in an agile development project to be? Bob presents a compelling perspective that a product owner has four distinct critical roles that can prove impactful to a team's success.

Bob Galen's picture Bob Galen
Requirements Reuse: Fantasy or Feasible?

Software development teams think nothing about reusing code, but what about requirements? The benefits include faster delivery, lower development costs, consistency across and within applications, fewer defects, and reduced rework.

Karl E. Wiegers Joy Beatty
Using DevOps to Develop Reliable Software

How do we build more reliable, complex systems in a way that is both pragmatic and economically feasible? Many of the DevOps practices provide the key to building better software that can be maintained, upgraded, and supported from its first installation to its eventual retirement when the system is no longer required.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Manage Your Personal Project Portfolio One Step at a Time

Can you take the best practices of agile and apply them to your personal life? You bet you can. Johanna Rothman writes on how she manages her personal project portfolio the same way she advise other people to manage their work project portfolios.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Immersive Interviewing and Hiring

Hiring people for any role on an agile team (manager, ScrumMaster, product owner, team member, or architect) is challenging. Even though candidates might be able to answer your questions and prove their C++ programming skills, what you really want are people who are competent and capable, work well with others, and will fit in with your team.

Mitch Lacey's picture Mitch Lacey
The Increasing Importance of E-Commerce in a Tester’s World

E-commerce and m-commerce industries continue to grow internationally, both in business opportunity and quality assurance requirements. Mukesh Sharma breaks down the core pieces of this technology you need to know in order to properly select the best tools and test approaches.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma


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