Better Software Articles

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Reading the Tea Leaves: Predicting a Project's Future

Project assessment and forecasting aren't magic. Payson Hall examines six factors that can increase the likelihood of project success.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
The Amazing Benefits of Integrated ALM Tools

For years, developers have struggled with using individual lifecycle management tools, but no longer! Joe Farah walks you through a history and benefits of an integration of ALM tools that every team should seriously consider.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Autumn Leaves

A farewell letter from Better Software magazine editor Joey McAllister.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
FAQ: How Can I Be a Better Product Owner?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Arlen Bankston answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Arlen Bankston's picture Arlen Bankston
Piece By Piece: Test Estimation and Planning in Agile Teams

The iterative agile methodology provides a clearer vision, smaller time scale, and closer planning horizon. The authors look at approaches to estimation and planning, from product backlog grooming to task-estimating tables and more.

Using Mission and Risk Diagnostics to Enhance Business Continuity

Noah Gamer explains that mission and risk diagnostics provide an excellent approach to risk management for any company. Using these elements together, an organization can create a better business continuity strategy. While risk is not always bad, identifying and mitigating risks can help your organization achieve success.

Noah Gamer's picture Noah Gamer
Can Anyone be a Tester?

Testers can come from all walks of life, but can anyone be a tester? It’s time for testers to clean up the craft and regain their respect.

Julie Hurst-Fule's picture Julie Hurst-Fule
How to Build a Successful Team: Analysis, Motivation, and Beyond

It takes more than just gathering a bunch of skilled testers in a room together to make a great test team. Learn how to analyze individual tester types, motivate your team, and achieve success.

Lloyd Roden
Not Just a Number: The Real Value of Metrics

Metrics can be enormously helpful, but only if they’re used correctly. Abuse them, and they will drive dysfunction. Study the stories behind the data to find the real value.

Joanne Perold's picture Joanne Perold
Things Change (and So Should Processes)

Much like the VCRs of yesteryear, our software development processes are not going to last forever. They’ll fall out of favor, while new and stronger concepts replace them. Jonathan Kohl writes about coping with process evolution in the quest to improve software.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl


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