Better Software Articles

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Green IT: A Sustainability Perspective for Portfolio Optimization

As organizations grow and diversify, they end up with a large number of IT systems. However, by quantifying sustainability metrics, they can optimize their IT infrastructures and introduce a greener side of IT.

Take a Hike: Death March Projects and the Ice Age Wilderness Trail

Dave and his friend Bob hiked Wisconsin’s Ice Age Trail and returned home with more than just sore legs and hiking experience. Learn some of the project management tips Dave picked up while adventuring in the wilderness.

David Katauskas
Perception Management: (And Why You Should Leave It to Magicians)

To build and sustain credibility, good project managers focus on managing expectations and leave perception management to magicians. Explore the difference and find out why.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Taking the Risk: Exploration over Documentation

The loudest voice in the room might push for a stable, predictable, repeatable test process that defines itself up front, but each build is different. An adaptive, flexible approach could provide better testing in less time with less cost, more coverage, and less waste.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
A Kind of Magic

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
FAQ: What Questions Should Software Tester Certification Students Be Able to Answer?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Ed Weller answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Ed Weller's picture Ed Weller
Why NoSQL Matters and What Configuration Management Experts Need to Know About It

NoSQL is a new approach to data storage that addresses many problems associated with relational databases. Many highly popular websites—including Facebook, Netflix, and Digg—are using NoSQL to crunch large volumes of data. Eugene Dvorkin gives us insight into why NoSQL is important and what CM experts need to know about it.

Eugene Dvorkin's picture Eugene Dvorkin
Lessons Learned from Ancient Wisdom: A Software Review Story

Lessons learned long ago from reviews and inspection can be effective today, particularly in collaboration within agile teams. Learn how an organization used review techniques as part of its agile collaboration, including the advantages and potential problems of this ancient wisdom.

Dorothy Graham's picture Dorothy Graham Robert Sabourin
Why Agile Works: Focus on the Details of Software Development

It's easy to overlook details when your focus is on the big picture. But, if you adjust your perspective, you may find new value in understanding why things work the way they do. Learn why agile works and how it can apply to both complex and simple projects.

Don Gray's picture Don Gray
A Major Award

You may remember the "major award" from the film A Christmas Story as "that gaudy leg lamp." But, for Ralphie's Old Man, it’s "indescribably beautiful." Sometimes, the meaning of an award is more important than the award itself.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin


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