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Gain Greater Testing Precision Through Adaptive Test Methods

Brooke Bowie explains how "adaptive" software testing provides nimble, high-value software test solutions that bend and shift with the changing needs of the market or the environment. High-value testing does not mean that you need to perform all end-to-end testing or run the full suite of tests; this can potentially create a bottleneck and dampen the velocity. Adaptive tests are always targeted at the most relevant business and quality goals.

Brooke Bowie's picture Brooke Bowie
Don’t Bury the Survivors: The Value of Clear Communication

Whether you’re discussing software defects with your test team, analyzing requirements with your BA, or programming in your favorite new language, communication is essential. Lanette Creamer has some tips to help you communicate clearly with any audience.

Lanette  Creamer's picture Lanette Creamer
Context Is King

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
Which Visual Models Do You Recommend for Test Design?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Rob Sabourin answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
Where Are the Interns?

The demand for software engineers is outpacing the supply from colleges and technical schools. Learn how to attract new talent through internships.

Patrick Bailey's picture Patrick Bailey
Effective Risk Management: An Interview with Payson Hall

We recently sat down with Payson Hall ahead of his upcoming 2012 Better Software Conference East presentation titled "Twelve Risks to Enterprise Software Projects - And What to Do about Them" in order to learn more about his experise in the field of risk management.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
The Software Development Game

Adapting your software development tools, practices, and processes can be difficult, even overwhelming. The authors have studied and applied game-like processes and behaviors to help provide structure to software development adaptation. They propose a process strategy called the software development game to help teams who are faced with change.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl David McFadzean
Practical Security Testing for Web Applications

It seems like every week the press has yet another story about security breaches or stolen data at some of the world’s largest companies or government agencies. Sometimes the responsibility for ensuring thorough security resides with an IT security group, and other times it gets outsourced altogether. The responsibility seldom falls to testing teams. However, this is changing. Having trained and experienced testers hunt for security bugs will make web applications safer from hackers and will further protect consumers, corporate assets, and brands.. Scott Aziz offers some practical techniques that will help you get started.

Scott Aziz's picture Scott Aziz
Surprise! Making the Most Out of Your Most Surprising Moments

Lee Copeland explains that surprise is often an indicator that discovery, learning, or even delight may be just around the corner. The surprise itself can be amusing, enlightening, befuddling, disconcerting, or frightening, but surprise should not be the end of the experience; it should be the beginning. Analyze the surprise to learn why you didn't see it coming and what you gain from that.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Peripheral Testing: A Type of Systematic Exploratory Testing

Peripheral testing implements a systematic method that allows exploratory testing while maintaining a balance to traditional test case-driven testing. Faisal Qureshi explains how to test without the drawbacks of exploratory testing and widens test coverage compared to following test cases from a test plan.

Faisal Qureshi's picture Faisal Qureshi


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