Better Software Articles

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Regulation, Compliance, and Delivery

Regulatory compliance may seem daunting, and penalties for non-compliance can be severe. What is the QA professional’s role in making it work?

Paul Fratellone's picture Paul Fratellone
Crowdsource Your Career

In today's tech-centric environment, there are many advantages to building a social network both online and "in real life." Here are some ideas to help you boost your career, market yourself, and add to your problem-solving toolbox by harnessing this "people power."

Dawn Code's picture Dawn Code
Test Terms You Really Need

Anyone interested in finding a testing glossary that already exists can use some great online resources. Defined here are several terms in common use that rarely or never make it into the "official" definitions. Finally, there are some terms in use that no longer support the underpinning technology and need to be either retired or expanded.

Claire Lohr's picture Claire Lohr
How Do You Know When It's Time To Go?

Whether you are in a toxic work situation, or you feel you are no longer performing effectively, sometimes you find yourself at a crossroads in your job and you have to ask yourself, "Should I stay, or is it time to move on?"

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Traditional Test Engineering, Your Days Are Numbered

In the first installment of this article, Dr. James Whittaker discussed turning testing on its head—to revitalize and improve the value of late-stage testing. James also discussed ideas behind empowering your dogfooders, testers, and the crowd to significantly and efficiently improve software quality. In part two, Jason Arbon discusses the research and engineering experimentation behind realizing these ideas into new tools and processes.

Jason Arbon's picture Jason Arbon
Analyzing Code Coverage with C-Cover by Bullseye

C-Cover by Bullseye Testing Technology is a code coverage analyzer that gathers and displays run time coverage statistics of C and C++ source code. Its capabilities include instrumenting the source code, accumulating the code's run time data, and displaying the data in its browser. This article describes Peter Wlodarski's experience using the program.

Peter Wlodarski's picture Peter Wlodarski
Building Highly Productive Teams Using a Commitment-to-Progress Ratio: Work Committed vs. Done

This article explains methods to build a team that will embrace "required work" and deliver robust software in a predictable fashion. It proposes a measure that helps calculate the throughput of an agile team by comparing work committed to work actually done.

Aleksander Brancewicz's picture Aleksander Brancewicz
Holding Pattern

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
FAQ: Do I Need to Program to be a Tester on an Agile Team?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Janet Gregory answers one of the questions students ask her most often.

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory
How Technical Support Is Like a Pain in the Neck

Payson Hall looks closely at the unique idea of not just providing better service to clients, but changing the client's perception of what defines good or bad service. We've gotten so used to "normal" that we've lost the ability to appreciate it. But this can be changed.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall


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