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Failed system update Reducing the Risk of Failed System Updates

As software applications become more powerful and complex, users are demanding seamless and automatic updates. There is nothing worse than a “bricked system” after a failed update. The selection of a reliable file system is a vital component of the software update process.

Thom Denholm's picture Thom Denholm
cyber thief What if Someone Steals Your Code?

Bob Zeidman, an expert in software forensics, provides a great overview of how to protect your software from predators. You'll learn the difference between copyrights, trade secrets, and patents.

Bob Zeidman's picture Bob Zeidman
Road to success Use DevOps to Drive Your Agile ALM

Successful DevOps operations assume that your team has the ability to adjust with constant change. To succeed at continuous integration and deployment, a comprehensive agile plan is needed. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs identify four critical success factors that you should employ.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
cucumber open source tool What Is Cucumber and Why Should I Care?

If there ever were a game changer to energize a development team, Cucumber just may be it. An open source tool, Cucumber helps in the running of automated customer acceptance tests. Matt Wynne, a cofounder of Cucumber Limited, delivers a brilliant introduction to this tool.

Matt Wynne's picture Matt Wynne
Balance and Flow Continuous Process Improvement Using Balance and Flow

Finding a balance between too much and too little process can be quite a challenge. Tom Wessel shows how to apply lean change management and kaizen principles to achieve continuous process  improvement. Also, Tom suggests the use of simple metrics to verify that improvements are actually taking place.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
The Mindset of the Agile Developer The Mindset of the Agile Developer

Most software development teams these days adopt an agile approach to guide projects through their lifecycle. But, according to Gil Broza, embracing popular practices is not enough. To work effectively in an agile environment, developers must change their mindset.

Gil Broza's picture Gil Broza
The Evolution of Software Monetization

End-users are demanding anytime, anywhere access to software apps on their devices. These changes are shifting the way software vendors conduct business. Michael Zunke uses the results of industry surveys to show how software products and services should be licensed.

Michael Zunke's picture Michael Zunke
Cracking the Code on Millennials

Our latest generation of programmers, project managers, and testers is perceived to be uninterested, unmotivated, and difficult to manage. Jason Garber presents innovative techniques you can use to lead your next rising star.

Jason Garber's picture Jason Garber
Getting Test to the Strategy Table

When the big decisions are made to fund and scope the project, are testers in the room? Matt Heusser presents compelling reasons for including QA as a key contributor during strategic planning, along with advice on how to get there.

Matt Heusser's picture Matt Heusser
Making the Move to Product-Driven Process

Just because you follow the rules of your software development process doesn't necessarily guarantee project success. According to David Hussman, there are four product-centered principles that everyone should practice.

David Hussman's picture David Hussman


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